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Block Stories: The Beginning


This one was created at the very first Block Party. I was invited to be part of a Youth Development Company staff retreat day. Prior to art-making, a book I read talked about planting seeds of peace... this is what we hoped to do in our Create and Connect program. This is what YDC staff do every day with young people. Giant trees grow from tiny seeds.


Create and Connect is a community art initiative lead by artist Sarah Rydecki in collaboration

with the South Haven Center for the Arts, the South Haven Memorial Library, and the Mitten

Children's Museum. Dozens of other organizations and community members contributed to

this project, and we are so grateful to each of you. The project is made possible through

funding from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, ArtsMidwest and the National

Endowment for the Arts.The project was made possible through funding from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, Arts Midwest and the National Endowment for the Arts.


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