In our Southwest Michigan community, there is a Van Buren county community. Within the county exists our South Haven community and within South Haven many smaller "communities" that I had the pleasure of visiting through Block Parties.
These blocks were made at a community place where many come together for well-being fellowship and fun...Senior Services of Van Buren County.
In a room within the Senior Center, the artists who made them gather weekly to form their own small community. They come together to connect, create, share, and be inspired. This is the beauty of communities, both large and small, and it is the beauty of our community project...creating together and connecting!

Create and Connect is a community art initiative lead by artist Sarah Rydecki in collaboration with the South Haven Center for the Arts, the South Haven Memorial Library, and the Mitten Children's Museum. Dozens of other organizations and community members contributed to this project, and we are so grateful to each of you. The project is made possible through funding from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, Arts Midwest and the National Endowment for the Arts. The project was made possible through funding from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, Arts Midwest and the National Endowment for the Arts.
