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Sherri Willett: Artist Feature


Sherri Willett Mixed Media Artist

South Haven, Michigan

Artist Bio I got involved with South Haven Center for the arts in 2017. I met some great gals who love to meet once a week and create art together. They invited me to come along and I am so glad I did. I began volunteering at the S.H.C.A. right away. As I began to finish art pieces, I had the amazing opportunity to put a few in the members only showing. What a great experience! As I learn more about the impact of art I am inspired to support this great effort in our community.

Artist Statement I have always been a crafter, sewer, knitter and crocheter. I have had a total of two mini art classes in the past. I got inspired to paint after a powerful prayer experience in 2016, where I painted this incredible scene onto the canvas before me. A desire began deep in my soul to put more of these images from my prayer times onto canvas. Between the encouragement from my friends to try new mediums, I discovered I like them all! So, I create using every medium I have and my active prayer life as inspiration.

Favorite Art Tool I would have to say, Liquitex matt medium. I can prepare any surface I want to create on. It’s a glue and a sealer....I go through a lot of it.

These photos are my first pieces to hang at the members only showing. The first is a chapel at GilChrist retreat center, where I have spent a lot of time in prayer. The second picture is myself kneeling in prayer and a montage of meaningful pieces surrounding me.

To view more of Sherri's work, visit the online member exhibition, Setting Stones.


Sherri Willett is a South Haven Center for the Arts Artist Member. As a benefit of this membership level, we are proud to be featuring Artists Members on our blog. If you are an artist member and want to be featured, email us at Want to be an artist member? See more information here:


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