Fantastical: Annual Juried Exhibition
National Juried Exhibition by Aubrey Jewel Rodgers
August 17 through September 21, 2024
South Haven Center for the Arts in South Haven, Michigan
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Fantastical is a playful and imaginative Juried exhibition celebrating the power of narrative storytelling in various visual forms. The traditional arts and the digital arts are welcomed in this exhibition. Graphic novel layout to oil painting, we invite the full spectrum. Media and mediums do not need to stay conformed- they can mix and mingle to inspire wonder and hope. Whether your image moves on screen or is displayed on a pedestal, if it inspires the viewer to think fantastically outside the box, this exhibition may be the right for you and your art.
What is the inspiration for this show? The main idea is from Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech in 2012. It is a call to action to “make good art” and to “make your own art.” Show us your ideas that inspire your heart and mind to dream bigger beyond the world around us.
Juror: Aubrey Jewel Rodgers is a multi-media artist, teacher and mentor in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She enjoys sharing her creative curiosity with people of all ages and backgrounds. Her art style is playful, whimsical, as well as mischievous when needed. Her work mixes traditional art mediums with technology and innovation to tell its own story.
Aubrey has been teaching at Kalamazoo Valley Community College for 14 years now as an instructor and is currently Chair of Applied Arts and Media Technologies. She did her undergraduate studies at Columbus College of Art and Design, where she received a Bachelor's Degree in Time Based Media Design. Her specialties are Video, Animation, Illustration, and Photography. Aubrey also went to Boston University where she received her Masters in Art Education.
Entry requirements
Entries for Fantastical are open to artists 18-years and older residing in the United States and the Tribal Nations that share these geographies. A maximum of two works can be submitted. Accepted artwork(s) must remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. Close ups or a video to show a piece of visual art that is 3D, moves, etc. may be submitted for the juror to view.
All work must be the original work of the artist and completed in the last five years. We reserve the right to decline any work that is substantially different from the submitted images, does not meet size limitations, or is not professionally presented.
Size limits:
2D - 72” high x 55” wide maximum
3D- must fit through standard doorway, max. 50lbs.
No installations or ceiling hung work
Schedule of Events:
Entry deadline: Monday, July 15, 2024 at 11:59 pm (ET): ENTER HERE
Notifications emailed: by Saturday, July 20, 2024
Delivery of accepted work: August 1 through August 10, 2024 during normal business hours. (or contact Noelle Ringer or Kerry Hagy for other arrangements)
Shipped work: to arrive by Friday, August 9, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, August 16, 5 – 7pm
Pick-up artwork: September 24 – September 28, 2024 during normal business hours. (or contact the Center for other arrangements). Art work can also be picked up on the closing day, Saturday, September 21 from 4-4:30pm.
Entry Fees:
$35.00 entry fee for up to three pieces of artwork entered.
$15 entry fee for student artists and artists economically challenged by unforeseen events. You will use coupe code REDUCE.
South Haven Center for the Arts Artist Members receive $10 off their entry fee and should enter the coupon code MEMBER2024
Prospective entrants to the exhibition are required to submit images of each of their desired entries in a jpeg format. In addition, each work requires a title, and can include a brief statement explaining how the piece relates to the theme Fantastical
Payments by credit card at time of entry through Cafe (https://www.callforentry.org/) or check or money order payable to South Haven Center for the Arts.
$500 First Place
$250 Second Place
Framing & Presentation: All work must be framed and/or exhibition ready: WIRED (NO sawtooth hangers); no clip frames with exposed glass edges. Work must be labeled with artist’s contact information, title of the work, medium, and price.
For digital and video arts, the artist must provide a viewing screen set up for the piece to be displayed in the gallery, and answer the question on the application outlining the display equipment for the digital art piece
Installation: Only works appropriately prepared for installation will be accepted. 3D works must be stable and pose no physical threat to visitors. No work can be hung from the ceiling. Wall hanging work must be “ready to hang”. No saw tooth hangers allowed. If any special hardware is needed for hanging, it must be included with work when dropped off, along with hanging instructions.
Deliver/Pick-up work: Deliver and pick up work at the SHCA during the times listed above or by appointment. Any work not picked up after 30 days of the exhibition’s closing may become property of the South Haven Center for the Arts. No work will be released before the close of the exhibit.
Shipped Work: Work must be delivered by Friday, August 9, 2024. It must be shipped in a sturdy, reusable container with all packing materials labeled and reusable. No Peanuts, please and package in a clean box, labeled “handle with care”. A return shipping label must be included for return shipping. If you have questions about including a return shipping label, please discuss with us before sending. Any special instructions for packing should be included.
Hand Delivery: Works can be hand-delivered during specified delivery and pick-up times. Unsold pieces of art that are not to be return-shipped must be picked up during posted gallery hours on the dates above. If the unsold pieces are not retrieved within two weeks of the exhibition close, and pick-up arrangements have not been agreed upon, the items will become the property of the South Haven Center for the Arts. Packaging for artwork may be stored at the SHCA. A name label must be put on every piece of packaging to be stored at the Center for the Arts. Instructions for any special handling or re-packing needs must be included.
Removing artwork: No artwork may be removed by the artist prior to the conclusion of the exhibition. SHCA reserves the right to temporarily remove any piece of work for reasons the organization deems necessary.
Insurance: SHCA staff and volunteers will handle your work with care. South Haven Center for the Arts carries art insurance for work on display in the gallery. We are not responsible for insuring artwork when it is traveling to and from the gallery.
Sales: Exhibited work may be sold at the price specified on the entry form. A commission of 35% is received by the SHCA for works sold during the exhibition. If work is not for sale, please include an estimated value on the entry form provided, for insurance purposes. Accepted work may not be substituted or withdrawn before the close of the show. The SHCA reserves the right to photographically reproduce accepted entries for publicity purposes.
Please contact Kerry Hagy or Noelle Ringer with questions at info@southhavenarts.org
Entry requirements
Entries for Fantastical are open to artists 18-years and older residing in the United States and the Tribal Nations that share these geographies. A maximum of two works can be submitted. Accepted artwork(s) must remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. Close ups or a video to show a piece of visual art that is 3D, moves, etc. may be submitted for the juror to view.
All work must be the original work of the artist and completed in the last five years. We reserve the right to decline any work that is substantially different from the submitted images, does not meet size limitations, or is not professionally presented.
Size limits:
2D - 72” high x 55” wide maximum
3D- must fit through standard doorway, max. 50lbs.
No installations or ceiling hung work
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